Acronyms and Emoticons, Mass social media, Person to Person Communication

Talking without a keyboard and send button

In a world moving at the speed of text and email, person to person communication has evolved into acronyms and emoticons. As long as there is an internet connection and a keyboard, the world is literally at your fingertips but, at what cost?

Imagine a world without Facebook, Twitter, and SMS messaging, would we as a society be able to physically speak with one another effectively?  Coming from the Generation Y era, I am proud to say that I no longer use mass social media to stay in touch with my family or my friends. I realized after having a lengthy conversation with my grandparents, they hadn’t seen pictures of my children nor my wedding, I had solely used Facebook as my way to share my life.  I was depending on a media platform to tell my own family what was happening in my life instead of calling, or mailing physical photographs that they could touch and feel. Generation Y and forward have a misconception that it is better to text or post about what is happening in life verses actually speaking with someone. Next time you go to a restaurant observe the tables of people and how many dates you see where each party is looking down, not at their entrée but at their phones never speaking a word to one another.


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